Analysis : Now that I had most of the data I needed, the next step was trying the close the loop as soon as possible, get some predictions for each Senator and then iterate. One challenge was trying the find signals that indicated uniqueness just from voting patterns and the content of the bills. As part of my analysis, I used techniques like MDS, clustering and NLP to extract salient features from my initial dataset. I did find out from my analysis that over the past 3.5 years, Democrats are more predictable and are more alike than Republicans based on just their voting patterns.
Modeling : I started off with a Naive bag of words model and got an average prediction accuracy in the low 60's. I went back and did some chi-squared feature selection, natural language processing (tfidf, n-grams, stop-words, stemming, binning, lemmatization, etc...), grid search and cross-validation on a pipeline of models (Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM, AdaBoost, Naive Bayes, kNN) and added some social data from wikipedia and twitter. This improved my average prediction accuracy to the high 60's. Moving forward, there's still a lot of ground to cover here. I can probably get this to low 80's on average prediction accuracy across all the Senators in congress The biggest take away here is to spend time and lots of it understanding your dataset, crafting better features and adding external data that would give additional insights or increase the richness of your data. The modeling part can be automated but your models can only be as good as the data you feed them.
At this point, we're all seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I gave a top level overview of my project. I'm working on putting up a Github repo with a more in-depth version.
Highlights from the week:
- We had a guest lecture from @WibiData on building real-time recommendation engines at scale with kiji. The kiji platform seems pretty mature and has support for quite a few languages and connectors to several Big Data frameworks. Evaluating recommender engines has always been a problem. One approach is to perform validation on a hold out sample of your data.
- We also had another pretty interesting guest lecture from @maebert. They've built an automatic journaling tool. They built a data product out all the ambient data (passively generated data) we generate by triangulating your position using GPS signals and cell phone towers. They use those data points to tell a story about you. Their pipeline looks something like this (Signals -> Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Stories). It's actually quite cool how patterns start to emerge when you look at aggregate data. I guess we all know a little something about that from the "revelations" that happened last summer. They utilize techniques like LSA / LDA/ SVD to extract concepts and their weights, expectation maximization (Gaussian mean shift) and some NLP. They try to see if the concepts change over time and also try to enrich their datasets using external feeds for weather data, events data, ticketing, etc
- We had breakouts on presentations. We worked on our projects for two weeks and trying to bottle all that work into a three minute presentation won't do it justice. So you'd want to answer the following questions to give the audience enough to spark some interest - What?, Why?, How?, So What?, Next Steps?
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